Poole to Bloom through the Summer
29th June 2018
Poole BID will be decorating the high street of Poole next month as the Poole in Bloom initiative returns ahead of the summer holidays and peak tourism season.
212 planters will be installed throughout the high street and town centre in the second week of June. The varieties of flowers being planted include geraniums, verbenas, lobelias, begonias, fuchsias, petunias and impatiens.
Justin Hundley-Appleton, Poole BID manager, commented: “With the summer season fast approaching, we’re keen to get the town ready for the influx of tourists to the area. The floral decorations have been so well received previously that we’re excited to be bringing them back next month.”
The planters will be in place for everyone to enjoy all summer.
Maritime bunting has also been strung up throughout the town in time for the Poole Maritime Festival taking place throughout June.
For the latest updates visit www.poolebid.com